Biological Sciences

Change/Declare Major or Minor FAQs

To switch to any major within the Biological Sciences Department students must fully meet all of the conditions below before applying for the change of major

  1. Student must have successfully completed 2 full semesters at Cal Poly Pomona. The student can apply to declare or change their major after grades are posted for their second semester.
  2. Student must complete BIO 1210/L and BIO 1220/L (or BIO 121/L, BIO 122/L and BIO 123/L), with a grade of C or higher in every component.
  3. Student must have a 3.25 minimum CPP GPA.
  4. Student must have a 3.25 minimum overall GPA.
  5. Student must be in Good Standing with the University.
Step One: Complete a Department Advising Worksheet: MSWord formatpdf format
Step Two: Email evidence that you have met the conditions to declare/ change your major (e.g. copy of unofficial transcript) and the completed Department Advising Worksheet to Dr. Jellyman for approval and signature.
Step Three: Dr. Jellyman will review your documents and provide next steps by email.

Double majors are not allowed within Biological Sciences majors.

A student may have one of the majors in Biological Sciences and another major outside of Biological Sciencees.

Please read the University Double Majors Policy (pdf). Basically, you are allowed to request a second major if you could complete both majors within 48 units above the units required for your primary major.

Students in the Biological Sciences Department cannot take minors offered by the same department. Students can only declare minors offered by the other departments or the University. You may declare up to two minors in addition to your primary major if all academic programs can be completed within 24 semester units above the number of units required for your primary major. Talk to your academic advisor if you have questions about your unit requirements.

  • Physiology Minor
  • Environmental Specialist Minor
  • Chemistry Minor
  • Biophysics Minor
  • Food Safety Minor, Food and Nutrition Minor, Food Science Technology Minor
  • Material Engineering Minor

Click here to access a list of the all of the Cal Poly Pomona minors with links to the Catalog with more information about course requirements. 

How to Declare a Minor

Step One: Click here or search the University Catalog to review the minor course requirements. Email or make an appointment to meet with the designated faculty advisor for the minor program if you have any questions about the minor course requirements. 

Step Two: To declare a minor please review the video explaining the Steps to Declaring a Minor or read the Guide to Add or Change a Minor (pdf) 

Step Three: Request to add, change or drop a minor in your BroncoDirect Student Center. Beginning June 2023, you can also use BroncoDirect to change your elective selections and/or submit minor course substitutions. 

After your request is approved, your Degree Progress Report will be updated with your minor requirements.